The Birmingham Giants 11u Softball Lathan travelled to Mississippi and again returned home Champions, this time winning the Southern Elite Invitational, posting a 7-1 mark along the way. In their first pool play, The Giants were paired up with Hot Shots Premier. Chloe Taylor allowed just 2 hits and no earned runs as the Giants cruised to an 8-1 win. At the plate Calee Guinn (3B), Marilyn Hayes (2B, HR), Kate Flannagan (3B), Grace Turner (1), and Khloe Hill (1) all had hits for the Giants in the win. In game 2 of pool play, Marilyn Hayes allowed just 4 hits and 2 runs over 4 innings, and Marilyn Hayes (2, 1 2B), Chloe Wade (1), Kate Flannagan (2B), Khloe Hill (1), and Andi Zannis (1) all had hits as the Giants moved their record to 2-0 on the day with the 4-2 win.

In their first round of Bracket play, the Giants were matched up with the Arkansas Blast.Grace Turner, Kate Flannagan, Chloe Taylor and Marilynn Hayes combined to allow 1 hit over 4innings, while striking out 4 in the 10-3 win. At the plate, the Giants pounded out 9 hits, (Hadlee Mason (2B), Marilyn Hayes (1), Chloe Wade (2. 1 3B), Grace Turner (2), Chloe Taylor (2B), Kinley Seibert (1), and Andi Zannis (2B) ) that led to 10 Giant runs in the 10-3 win. The win moved the Giants on to face Louisiana Fury in the next round.

Kate Flannagan started the game in the circle, striking out 6 over 2 innings, and Marilynn Hayes struck out 2 more over the next 2 innings for the Giants. At the plate Hadlee Mason (1), Marilyn Hayes (2B), Grace Turner (2), and Khloe Hill (1) all had hits as the Giants pulled out the 4-3 win. The victory moved the Giants on the face the Birmingham Thunderbolts.

Chloe Taylor, Marilyn Hayes and Kate Flannagan scattered just 4 hits over 4 innings while striking out 2 and the Giants offense pounded out 14 hits ( Calee Guin (1), Hadlee Mason (1), Chloe Wade (3, HR), Kate Flannagan (1), Grace Turner (2, 1 2B), Khloe Hill (1), Chloe Taylor (2, 1 2B), Kinley Sebert (1), and Andi Zannis (2 1 2B) and the Giants offense produced 12 runs in the 12-4 win. the win moved the Giants into the Semi Finals to face Sparks Elite.

Kate Flannagan started the game in the circle, allowing juts 3 hits over 4 innings, while striking out 5, and Marilyn Hayes and Chloe Taylor closed out the final inning of the 3-2 win. Offensively the Giants were led by Calee Guin (1), Chloe Wade (3B), and Grace Turner(1), who all had hits that drove in the Giants 3 runs. The win moved the Giants into the finals, to again face Sparks Elite, where the Giants would have to loose twice. In game one several Giant misques led to 5 unearned runs. At the plate Marilyn Hayes (3), Chloe Wade (2), Garce Tuner (1), Khloe Hill (1), Chloe Taylor (1), Kinley Sebert (1), and Andi Zannis (2B) had hits but the Giants were forced to win the last game.In the championship game, Kate Flannagan started in the circle , going the distance, allowing just 2 hits while striking out 6, Marilyn Hayes (1), Kate Flannagan (3B), and Grace Turner (2B) all had hits as the Giants pulled out the 1-0 win and brought home the Title.